Chantal La-Fon's story is a testament to the power of resilience and determination. As an immigrant and a mother who has survived the horrors of human trafficking, she refuses to be defined by her past. Instead, she has emerged as an entrepreneur, founding "Growth Financial Services" to empower underserved communities. With her real estate license and a dedication to obtaining certification as a credit counselor, Chantal is on a mission to educate and uplift immigrants, minorities, and the formerly incarcerated in matters of financial literacy and budgeting. Beyond her business pursuits, she is deeply involved with PACT-USA, where she serves as part of the Survivor’s Counsel, offering support and advocacy for fellow survivors. Chantal's journey from victim to survivor is a source of inspiration, and her commitment to serving others is truly remarkable. Through her work, she not only builds a better future for herself but also becomes a guiding light for those in need of hope and empowerment.