Doraina Rochford

Doraina Rochford was born and raised in Brooklyn. She is a survivor of substance abuse, sex trafficking, physical, emotional psychological and sexual abuse. Thriving over generation abuse and trauma, she went back to school for her GED and then became a credentialed substance abuse counselor and licensed chaplain. Doraina is an alumni Survivor Leader and current Survivor Advisory Board member at Sanctuary for Families, one of the largest gender-based violence organization in New York City, where she works with survivors, informing policy within the agency and increasing community awareness on gender-based violence and human trafficking.

April 3, 2024

Episode 3: Leaving "the Life"

This episode touches on all things relating to when an individual first exits the sex trade. Melanie and two survivor leaders (Doraina Rochford and Laura Mullen) get into the details, asking each other Remember when you first...